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Diagnostics in team development

Create the basis for good teamwork!


By team development we mean a qualitatively upward development of a work group in terms of its performance on the one hand and the actual performance on the other. Basically, every team has the potential to make this positive development. This development can be influenced by the composition of the team, external conditions and the number and variety of tasks. When the processes of team development have been developed, a productive, effective and functioning team can be developed from experienced individuals.

The benefits of successful team development are reflected in two factors in particular: the productivity of the results and thus the profitability increases and the increased team spirit has a positive effect on the corporate culture.

Taking a look “behind the scenes” of a team is a good idea if:

A new team member joins

Tasks, requirements or framework conditions for a team have changed

The collaboration is bumpy

A new team member is wanted

Einzelne Teammitglieder Differenzen miteinander haben

Um sich besser kennen zu lernen

Team von Wirtschaftsingenieuren

Team development phases

According to Tuckmann, different phases of team development can be distinguished:

  • Forming – the orientation phase

  • Storming – the conflict phase

  • Norming – the organisation phase

  • Performing – the integration phase

Our approach to team development

Many teams remain in the forming or storming phase for “too long” because they lack the tools to integrate team members well, to increase motivation intrinsically or to use existing resources well and efficiently. In this phase, differences become clear and are perceived as disruptive rather than being able to see the added value behind them. Heterogeneous teams are needed to master challenges well. For many, it is not easy to appreciate this at first. Even the reflection of one's own skills falls short in this phase in everyday life and under time and deadline pressure.

This is where we start with our look “behind the scenes”.

​1. Reflektion

We consciously take time with your team - time to reflect on yourself and the teamwork

2. Disclosure of strengths and potential

By using EPA PLUS , we reveal where strengths and potential lie.

3. Action planning

This results in:

  • Derive sensible task distributions

  • Addressing discrepancies within the team

  • Established mutual appreciation

  • Integrate (new) colleagues faster and easier

Semicircle diagnostics

EPA PLUS in team development enables

Prozessbegleitung für Personalentscheidungen leicht gemacht

professional tools for clarifying the needs of the role to be filled

Gain clarity in the requirements profile

enables precise matching of candidates

Basis for sustainable decisions


How is potential diagnostics used in team development?

  1. All participants complete the EPA PLUS survey.

  2. Results will be shared in a workshop.

  3. Discrepancies and additions can be discussed objectively.

  4. Concrete fields of action are defined.

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