Einsatz von EPA PLUS bei Coaches
Coaching supplemented by scientific findings about a personality
By actually measuring unconscious behavioral preferences and motives, also in comparison to self-image, you can enrich your coaching with a scientific foundation.

Areas of application of EPA PLUS in coaching
Candidates’ skills complemented by potential as the basis for your career advice opens up new scope for action
Business Coaching
Scientific basis for systemic business coaching: measuring personal action preferences and motives
Team coaching
Team development at its core: making differences visible and the resulting opportunities in teams for increased understanding, more performance and better collaboration
The coaching approach behind EPA PLUS
We want people to be able to recognize themselves: We work purposefully to discover personality, understand it and draw conclusions about our behavior.
One of the best tools we have to change our personality is self-knowledge. When we are aware of both our limitations and our strengths, it is easier for us to achieve good results in our personal and professional lives. This allows us to work more intensively and sustainably to develop our strengths and compensate for our weaknesses. Each of our personality traits makes us different, unique and special.
If we find out who we are and what drives us, we will pave the way for our future!
For an understood self (self-knowledge).
We want people to be able to understand each other: Because we are convinced that a realistic view of and deep understanding of ourselves and, moreover, of our counterparts (people and systems) is of fundamental importance. Especially when it comes to creating a functioning work environment, drawing inspiration from one's work and creating more satisfaction in the entire (work) culture and society.
This enables a working environment in which individuality has its place, is welcomed and respected. In which different ideas and perspectives are activated, expressed and listened to. Where employees develop a sense of belonging and have the opportunity to grow.
For us, recognition of ourselves and others is the key to breaking down (pre)judgments. We all see the world through our own personal filters. And others perceive us in their own way.
For an understood YOU (understanding). For a better togetherness.
Wir glauben an die Kraft, die in einem jedem steckt: Wir leben in einer sich schnell verändernden Welt - deshalb müssen wir in der Lage sein, uns schnell, nachhaltig und authentisch weiter zu entwickeln.
Wir promoten, dass diese Entwicklung sich weniger an einem WHAT sondern an einem WHY orientiert - also dem Kern einer Persönlichkeit und was diese antreibt und somit braucht, um ihr Potenzial zu entfalten.
Zudem glauben wir daran: durch Individualität wird Innovation erst möglich.