Diagnostics in recruiting
Revolutionize your personnel selection
Would you like to competently support the personnel selection process in your company and offer results-oriented support for your departments? Would you like to support your colleagues in gaining clarity about your personnel requirements and staffing? Do you want well-founded personnel decisions that have a lasting effect, tailored to the requirements of the function and suitable for the team?
Are you looking for professional, simple support for the decision-making process in your personnel selection and need a pragmatic and results-oriented solution?
Prozessbegleitung für Personalentscheidungen leicht gemacht
professional tools for clarifying the needs of the role to be filled
Gain clarity in the requirements profile
enables precise matching of candidates
Basis für nachhaltige Entscheidungen

Eignungsdiagnostik: Welche Kompetenz wird für die zu besetzende Stelle genau gesucht?
In addition to professional suitability, fit plays at least as important a role today. Fortunately, because only when there is a fit will employees be satisfied in the long term.
Professional suitability can be assessed through references, certificates, work samples and cognitive performance tests, among other things.
In addition, questions arise regarding the fit, such as:
Does the role consist of more routine tasks or does it involve developing more new things?
How important is an eye for the smallest details?
How important is it to follow structured procedures and adhere to guidelines and specifications?
Should a person create structures or work in structures
How much creativity and improvisation skills are needed in the position/team?
How important is it to think outside the box and develop new solutions?
How often do the framework conditions for the position to be filled change and what does this mean for the requirements profile?
How important is it to meet precise deadlines?
How much assertiveness does the person need in the role in the given team and leadership in the company?
How slow is the process of completing tasks typically?
These must be answered in order to be aware of what profile is being sought. The answers to these and other questions can be obtained through a personality test supplemented by a look at potential.

Clarity for the requirements profile
From this, you can develop an understanding of whether you are looking for someone who, for example:
Happy to complete tasks alone or in a team
Seeks impulses from outside
Feedback needs
Perceives and processes information in detail or holistically
Makes planning decisions based on numbers, data and facts
Can bring about quick yet informed decisions
Able to adhere to guidelines and processes
React flexibly to changes without getting stressed
Wants to assert yourself, delve deeply into tasks or ensure the right team spirit.
The resulting requirement profile (desired profile) will then be highly differentiated and enable a more precise search.

Was bedeutet Passung?
In addition to suitability, recruiting can also be used to check the fit. Professional fit is the objective comparison between the requirements of a task, taking into account the framework conditions such as corporate culture, team and management, and the characteristics and skills of a person.
How do we measure fit?
Team fit: This is about how well everyone fits together in view of the tasks to be accomplished.
Matching: Team members
Cultural fit: Considers how well a candidate fits into the company environment.
Matching: Company and personality
Task fit: This is about the specific fit between the requirements of a task and the skills and potential of the candidate.
Matching: Role and Profile
The Recruiting as a service approach of WAfM Diagnostics